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  • Winter Formal Tickets are now available in the student store and online
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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Alex Hall

Alex Hall , Podcast Editor

Podcast EditorAlex Hall is a senior at Carlsbad High School and a second year staff member on the Lancer Link. Her passion is writing and she hopes to further her journalism career at Cal Poly SLO next year. As the podcast editor, she aims to cover current issues and entertain listeners. Her favorite things to do are read good books, go to the beach, and hang out with her friends.

All content by Alex Hall
Emma Warren competing with her horse Wally,

Emma Warren isn’t horsing around

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
March 5, 2015

Exchanging future broadcasters

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
December 29, 2014
Students make it work

Students make it work

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
May 30, 2014
Social media sidetracks students

Social media sidetracks students

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
May 14, 2014
Photo illustration

Technology furthers cheating

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
April 11, 2014
Big man Santa always pushes the pink bunny out of the limelight

Spring break loses Easter

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
April 4, 2014
Senior Victoria Soto asks varsity basketball player Taylor Bloomquist to formal at the end of the white out game with a decorative sign and a crowd cheering them on. Carlsbad girls have been creatively asking their date in the last couple weeks, leading up to formal next Saturday.

Winter formal frightens females

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
February 24, 2014
Junior, Kamden Maas, studies at Vinakas Cafe. Vinakas offers a quiet and relaxing environment for students to work in. This cafe is a top study spot amongst students at CHS.

Vinaka’s vibes captivate students

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
February 8, 2014
From Jan. 9th to the 20th, Australians were given host families from CHS. They spent 10 days exploring San Diego and creating memories.

Australian exchange students arrive

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
January 25, 2014
Justin Oetting holds his book "Pascal's Last Gamble." Justin co-authored the book with his father, Steve Oetting, as only a sophomore!

Sophomore Justin Oetting publishes novel

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
January 15, 2014
At halftime at the most recent home game, color guard wows audiences with their competition routine. Since last year, color guard has been moved up 2 competition divisions, and has still performed exceptionally well, placing second in their most recent competition, alongside the first place band.

Power to the flags

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
December 3, 2013
Several seniors pose in a variety of dresses and are the epitome of 2013's Homecoming style. Fashion lovers delighted in this opportunity to not only pamper themselves, but also buy a new dress. (Photo courtesy of Sara Harelson)

2013 Homecoming dresses in retrospect

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
September 30, 2013
Seniors use chalk to write their names and reserve spots all throughout the parking lot.  Throughout the course of the day, some were smeared, but students were quick to fill them back in.

Seniors chalk CHS parking spots

Alex Hall, Podcast Editor
September 13, 2013
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Alex Hall