A little over-preperation never hurt anybody

I’ve been thinking about college for as long as I can remember. I always felt the need to succeed in school, even at an extremely young age, because I desire a bright future. Even if my dream schools such as Brown, Princeton, and Stanford are a little unrealistic, my goals push me to take my academics seriously and strive for greatness.

College preparation traces back as early as your middle school years; the study habits formed in seventh and eighth grade carry over to high school. It is essential to start thinking about the future, truly putting forth effort in schoolwork, and setting achievable goals. Get yourself motivated to get to the top.

Getting ahead in specific classes such as math, english, or a foreign language could set you apart from all the other students applying to the same universities as you. The extra step to get ahead may seem overwhelming and stressful, especially when other students are not concerned with their future because they think college is so far away, but it will be worth it.

Once high school starts, it’s time to get serious. Talk to your counselors about which classes are best for you and stay motivated to do well in school. How well you do freshmen and sophmore year may not appear important, but if you slack off in the begining, you’ll be making up for it junior and senior year. Hard work pays off– the more you accomplish the more, you’ll strive for further success.

Junior year is the most crucial year for your future. Colleges tend to examine performance during this year the most. SAT and ACT scores, how many AP classes you take, and all extraciricular activites are evaluated in your junior year. Even though you are now an upperclassmen and are presented with more activities, bring your “A game” for academic victory.

How others view you is something colleges look at as well.  Letters of recommendation are required for most schools and scholarships; they should be from teachers or coaches who know you and can genuinely express their positive thoughts and opinions of you. If you choose a teacher who does not know you, you will get generic praise without meaning.

Just because you worked hard throughout high school and prepared extensively for college, does not mean once you get accepted you can slack off and party all the time. You must maintain that motivated attitude– studies are number one. Many people get kicked out out college after they thought  they were accepted. You can not stop trying.

No matter how old you are, it can never be too soon for preperation. What could trumph the importance of your future?  Once you reach those goals, continue to aim higher… be the best you can be.