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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Sophomore Tobias Williams kicks the ball away from opponent during last Friday's varsity soccer game.  San Marcos won with the ending score being 1-0.

Q&A: Tobias Williams

Armando Anselmo, staff writer
February 12, 2018
Junior Sarah Schneider plays post on the girls varsity basketball team. She has been playing basketball since she was four years old and is one of the team captains on the team this year.

Sarah Schneider, 11

February 5, 2016
Senior, Yasmin Ahooja, has been on the Carlsbad varsity women's soccer team for four years now. She will attend the University of Michigan next year to play division one soccer.

Yasmin Ahooja: 12

Maggie Sweeney, editor in chief
December 10, 2015
Senior Alex Gardner warms up during lacrosse  practice.  Gardner also has been playing soccer for thirteen years.

Alex Gardner

Gillian Allen, Writer
April 24, 2015
Tyler Dresser(12) is a track sprinter for the 200,400,4x400. This year will mark his second year as a varsity sprinter.

Tyler Dresser: 12

Griffin Nordin, Social Media Editor
May 14, 2014
Shane Coopersmith: 11

Shane Coopersmith: 11

Griffin Nordin, Social Media Editor
April 14, 2014
Bridget McGowan: 12

Bridget McGowan: 12

Griffin Nordin, Social Media Editor
April 10, 2014
Varsity running back Dylan Rutledge scores at the Homecoming game. He contributed 3 touchdowns to the Lancer victory of 56-7.

Dylan Rutledge, 11

Max Chacon, Opinion Editor
September 30, 2013
An exhausted Vince Barone answers questions after last Friday's Homecoming crush against Westview. Lancers came out with the win and a final score of 54-7.

Featured Athlete: Vince Barone

Kiana Pestonjee, Editor-in-Chief
September 26, 2013
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