AVID spreads kindness throughout the month
Photo Illustration. Students participate in an act of kindness in the hopes that they will become more aware of how even small acts can have a major impact on those around them.
January 31, 2015
Inspired by the Kids for Peace Great Kindness Challenge, Mr. Spanier’s AVID classes at Carlsbad High have been participating in the AVID month of kindness, which takes place Jan. 13 to Feb. 13.
“I had a former student, Danielle Gram, who helped start Kids for Peace,” AVID teacher Mr. Spanier said. “She gave a presentation explaining the Great Kindness Challenge, and my AVID students said ‘we want to do that.’ So we started it, and since we only meet every other day, the week went by really fast. The AVID students said ‘we should do it for a month.’”
Similar to the Week of Kindness at CHS, AVID students have been following a list of kind acts that they can participate in.
“The main goal is not just to do it for a week, or for a month, but to continue with the kindness,” senior Evette Galindo said. “We can always be kind no matter what, and it doesn’t matter whether we have a gold sheet like Mr. Spanier provided. It’s you going out on your own free will to just spread kindness and be nice to others.”
Students participate in activities in class which motivate them to continue passing on the kindness.
“We watch videos, 60 minute videos, and read stories about people who are being kind, people who are positive even in the worst case scenarios,” senior Ferida Hassan said.
The smallest actions can ripple into rewards for those participating in the month of kindness.
“I feel like when a lot of people walk around, we don’t give them a smile,” Galindo said. “Just by smiling or saying hi, it can make their day.”
The goal is to create a kind an accepting environment for all students.
“I just hope that everyone can go out of their comfort zone, and be kind, and make an effort to change somebody’s attitude, and make their day,” Galindo said. “I know that sometimes I come to school grumpy or something, and when someone says hi to me, or acknowledges me, I feel like I belong.”
Even though the month of kindness is halfway done, students all around the school have the opportunity to be kind all year long.
“It helps you and others, to be a nice person,” Hassan said. “Make it a habit, make it who you are.”