In a community like ours, privileged and well supported as it is, we still face challenges in the society which provides so much. The annual food drive aims to help the ongoing struggles of the less privileged by providing non-perishable foods for those in need.
“The food drive run by ASB is to support the less fortunate during the holiday season. It’s a good opportunity to support the community,” senior Keeghan Sebahar said.
The food drive, unlike other charitable organizations, uses friendly competition to up the ante on support during this winter holiday. With the implementation of this competition between classes, the offerings from students has outshined past years and is demolishing all expectations.
The competition unexpectedly has produced an awesome amount of food for the holidays. With festive celebrations just around the corner students must soon take the food and distribute it to friends and families inside the community.
“We are trying to raise awareness all across campus” senior Olivia Oas said. ” We will distribute all of these non-perishable foods to the community to act as a helping hand this holiday season.”
With a student bringing in over one hundred food canisters such as Top Ramen and Cup O’ Noodles, the amount has begun to grow out of control.
“I brought in 96 packets of Top Ramen, and I feel confident that it will help a family in need,” senior Zoe White said. “With the holiday season setting in, I am beginning to realize how I can give back to my community.”
With all the laughter, smiles and happiness that come from the holidays, much of what we students take for granted could be a distant hope for many children, trying their hardest just to get by.
“Although these non-perishable foods are not much, they can really help a family in our community,” Oas said. ” We really aim to help in any way we can.”
The food drive, with the common motive to end hunger in our community, has fully blossomed into something of which many students can be proud. The amount of help and food put into the drive has amazed many of the ASB leaders and provides hope that all future campus fundraisers will even surpass this hypothetical bar the holiday food drive has set.
“It’s always great if you can just give a little. You don’t have to give the 120 packets of noodles or anything. It’s really just the thought of helping a family in need,” White said. “As cliche as it sounds the food drive was more than just to help end hunger in the community but to promote the giving holiday spirit.”