Intrigued by the sport from a young age, junior Nick Hendricks followed his ambition to join the JV water polo team. Nick practices hard and proves to be a very influential player to the team.
Lancer Link: What sacrifices have you made for your sport?
Nick Hendricks: I give heart and soul to the sport while sacrificing my social life.
LL: Why do you enjoy your sport?
NH: I really like to play water polo because its great to hop in the pool on a hot day and play a sport while being a part of a team.
LL: What motivates you to compete?
NH: Coach Feaster’s team talks get us motivated as well as trying to keep up our win record.
LL: Do you have any advice for younger players?
NH: Swim a lot, try hard in practice, and don’t do drugs.
LL: How did you get into your sport?
NH: When I was little my Dad used to take me to the CIF games, and I think after the first game I was hooked.