Tis the season for Prom. A whimsical time that young children dream of for years. A day meant for friends, love and simply having fun. Prom signifies an end and a beginning, turning the page of life and opening up another chapter. Whether you’re a junior going for the first time or a senior ending your high school career, this is a major milestone in life.
Amongst the fun that prom season breeds, there are also the problems.
For the ladies, it’s pretty simple. Pick a dress, look pretty and just wait for some googly-eyed guy to walk your way.
But for the men, it’s a different story.
The stresses come down to three questions. Who to ask? When to ask? How to ask?
This Prom asking time around school should be renamed “competition season”.
The rush to find a date is eminent and the clock is ticking. A few lucky lads already have a significant other, but for the rest of us it’s go time.
The creative juices begin to flow as the sharpies are uncapped and the poster paper is taken out.
But some one already did that, and flowers, yes, that’s been done as well. Too cliche or too extravagant? Definitely extravagance. More is more in this situation.
Sweep them off their feet, literally. Either with a broom or a white stallion. But, the ladies love stallions.
Or serenade her. Like senior Ryan Eason, who asked senior Jessica Major, with a witty song expressing his intent.
But all jokes aside, keep calm and make it thoughtful.
“Asking someone to prom depends on your status with that person. It just needs to be thought out” senior Jessica Major said.
Junior Connor Hull asked junior Riley Porter with a candle lit surprise topped off with flowers. Less lavish then a song, but heartfelt nonetheless. And the answer was yes for both situations.
“I was surprised. It felt a lot like Christmas except Connor Hull was my present,” junior Riley Porter said. “We vine’d it to say the least.”
As you can see girls truly care about the feeling behind the asking, not exactly how. Gentlemen this prom season, make it thoughtful.