Fashion Club: Reinvented

Corinna Auerbach

Co-president, senior Olivia Becker, helps club members make scrunchies to sell and fundraise for the club.

After dying out last year, fashion club is making a reappearance at the school with presidents Olivia Becker and Chloe Auerbach. There are new aspects, such as fundraising and collaboration throughout the club that the leaders want to bring this year along with ideas from last year.

The presidents hope to improve the club compared to last year with new goals. The club hopes to have more frequent meetings to have a more comfortable and collaborative group of people. They aim to have outside of school activities to get people involved. They also aim for creative expression other than just fashion, such as photography and art. 

“Fashion is another way of art and a lot of people find it very therapeutic so we are planning on having an online anonymous place where club members can let the presidents know their problems and at the next meeting we would try to talk about that and give advice,” Becker said.

Throughout the year there are things the club hopes to make. For instance, they want to create lookbook videos with outfits they put together along with painting and tie-dying clothes and shoes. Furthermore, they hope to make jewelry and scrunchies to sell for fundraising money. 

“As a club fashion is all about making something from nothing so like I said before, we are going to create jewelry, paint shoes, and alter the clothes we get from the thrift store,” Becker said.

The club hopes to go on thrifting outings to buy clothes for better prices and help the environment. Along with helping teens on a budget, thrifting can help save the environment because the fashion industry contributes to polluting our environment and fashionable, statement pieces from thrift stores is a great way to help as the next generation.

“Constantly buying clothes from large industries harms the environment,” Auerbach says. “We are hoping to promote second hand clothing and thrifting with our club, in hopes of saving the environment.”

The club hopes to start clothing drives for charity. Starting soon, anyone can donate clothes that would then go to a homeless shelter. This is a great way to recycle old clothes that would be used for the better.

“We would have a clothing drive that would start soon and during Christmas time we would donate all of the clothes that we collect and give them to the homeless shelter,” Becker said.

Fashion Club is a place where students can feel comfortable and confident while expressing themselves creatively. Whether it’s through clothing or art or any type of unique expression fashion club is an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome and involved.

“We basically just want people to feel comfortable with going outside of the box with fashion and not just fashion, but also with art and creativity in general and just overall lifestyle,” Auerbach said.