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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Palomar Health presents an internship opportunity for students

Palomar Health building in Escondido
Eva Huebner
Palomar Health building in Escondido

Internships are a great opportunity for students to experience what it’s like to work in a particular field. Palomar Health in Escondido offers an internship to high school and college-level students interested in pursuing careers in the healthcare industry. Junior Asha Terrill currently participates in the Palomar Health internship and shares her personal experience.

Terrill starts her first internship at Palomar Health, joining the program to gain experience in the medical field and develop skills in the hospital. In addition to developing skills, the internship engages interns with patients, nurses, and doctors.

“I joined the internship so I could gain more skills and learn more about the medical field,” Terrill said. “It gives me the opportunity to grow and build connections with nurses or specialists.”

Terrill aspires to pursue a career in the medical field. The program prioritizes hands-on practice for the students involving hospital-related skills. Learning and developing these skills has granted Terrill an experience that can benefit in her future career path.

“I want to become a Pediatric ICU nurse in the future, and this program is a great way for me to foster that path,” Terrill said.

The internship actually engages the students with real-life measures taken in the hospital on an everyday basis. Each day varies, but Terrill explains what the interns are taught and usually practice.

“It honestly just depends on what is needed that day,” Terrill said. “We have a basic scope of practice that they teach you, like feeding, changing beds, vitals, discharges, partial baths, moving and more.”

Terrill explains that certain skills are practiced based on your position in the program. For instance, first-joiners will start with the basics and progressively move towards the complex.

“So we can do any of that but as you move up in the program, you learn more,” Terrill said.

The internship holds specific dates and times the students must attend to. Terrill elaborates on the schedule and shift obligations.

“Every Saturday from 11am to 3pm, but it can vary,” Terrill said. “You need a minimum of one four-hour shift per week.”

The hours that stem from the internship also serve as volunteer hours, crucial to graduating high school. Other than the opportunity to earn community service hours, Terrill reflects on the impact she can make for the patients and the hospital through the program.

“This program gives me an opportunity to support and help patients,” Terrill said. “Even something as simple as staying to talk to them can make a difference in their day.”

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About the Contributor
Eva Huebner
Eva Huebner, Assistant Editor
Eva Huebner is currently a junior at Carlsbad High School. This is her second year on the journalism staff and first year as an assistant editor. She likes her dogs, going to the gym and reading.

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