Following the social media stars

November 1, 2017

Sophomores Julian Moore and Cameron Comma both enjoy sharing their talents through vlogs and videos on Youtube and Instagram. Both have started social media accounts including Youtube and Instagram to allow public access to their content. For more information and details on each individual, learn about them in the articles below and follow them on their journey.

Taking on the vlogging world

Sophomores Julian Moore and Cameron Comma have found a love of capturing their lives through the lens of the camera. They constantly think of new ways to influence and entertain the world through the power of social media. They make vlogs that capture many adventures and telling social experiments, but much more lies in the future for the power duo.

“We have 211 subscribers,” Moore said. “The most views I have accumulated on one video so far would be 9,300 views on one video.”

The success of Moore and Comma is constantly growing into a larger fan base. Moore first found his love for filming when receiving his first job as a videographer.  

“I got my first job when I was thirteen years old. It was a business venture. I got my second job when I was fourteen. It was for an entrepreneur, I filmed his videos and edited. That was how I found out I had a passion for cameras,” Moore said. “I decided I’m going to make my own content. I really enjoyed doing them and it really brought a positive side to my life.”

Moore learned the process of making vlogs after his job experience. Multiple hours are put into each vlog in order them to be their best. He explained the steps of editing and filming each vlog undergoes.

“So first, before you even start filming, you have to have an idea of what you are going to vlog. This actually works in any aspect of life. First, you need an idea, then you write it down. Then, you create a strategy,” Moore said. “So for a vlog, I write down the idea and think how am I going to get there, how am I going to film it, who is going to be in it.”

Moore decided that he wanted to have a partner with him in his vlog career. Moore asked his friend, Cam Comma, if he would be a part of the vlogging journey with him.

“My good buddy Julian had this great idea to start a revolution. He was like, ‘We are going to start vlogging and making all of these videos, and I need my right hand man to be by my side,’” Comma said. “And I was like, ‘Bro, I can be that right hand man.’ So he kind of just led me. Now we are just having a good time.”

Comma and Moore have created a system in their vlog making. Moore, having had previous experience with the camera side of things, often is filming, but both film and share their video personalities.

“My job is just to be, a video personality. I do film sometimes. Like if Julian wants to do something silly, Like let’s go through Chick-Fil-A drive through I got to film. But if he is like, hey Cam go dance in the store, he’s got to film too,” Comma said. “Everyone has got to pull their fair share.”

Both Comma and Moore have vlogs that standout to them. Moore had to stop and think when asked what his favorite vlog has been. Unable to decide on just one, Moore shared a few that he would call his favorite.

“The second favorite thing I have ever filmed was when my friend walked into a small food court and he took off his shirt and yelled very furiously,” Moore said. “Everyone stopped and just looked at him ad then he walked out.”

Comma explained how he enjoys most, making the vlogs that they call, social experiments.

“My favorite thing to film, definitely are the social experiments we do,” Moore said. “If you are not familiar with a social experiment, its when we go do something that will arouse attention and see how people will react to it.”

Together the vloggers have planned more adventures that they feel will entertain their fans. Moore gave an insight to what the future will hold for their channel on youtube.

“I haven’t made too many videos yet, I only have about 25 on my channel. We are recently starting to take hold of being a content creator,” Moore said. “So every weekend we are going to have videos come out. We are going to do vlogs, we are going to make a couple short films, we are going to make some instagram skit videos. So there will be a lot of content coming out soon.”

Both Comma and Moore a excited about what the future holds for them. They invite everyone to go on the journey with them by subscribing to their youtube channel and following them on instagram.

“I hope you guys all follow me on this great journey I’m going to venture in my life,” Moore said. “It’s going to be real lit. And honestly, I’m excited and I hope you guys are excited. Because you guys are going to be at the start of this.” 

About the Contributor
Photo of Maddie Dufault
Maddie Dufault, Reporter
Maddie Dufault is a second year staff member and junior at Carlsbad High Schoo. She is involved in journalism because she appreciates and is grateful for the ability to share the stories of all the unique students at CHS. She is on the Carlsbad Varsity Dance Team and loves making memories with her friends.
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Singing to stardom

Gaining internet success and sharing your talents online is happening more rapidly than ever in this day and age. For one individual, him and his brothers are singing their way to internet stardom.

Sophomore Cameron Comma got introduced to the musical world at a very young age. Comma was inspired by his brother’s, Lennie and Jordon, a dynamic singing duo before it became a trio adding Comma into the group.

  “When I was about six, I got GarageBand for Christmas, and me and my brothers would play until I was about eight,” Comma said. “Then I wanted to do it in real life, so my parents got me a guitar teacher and I started off just playing guitar and then I didn’t discover singing until I was about 13. I got kind of jealous because my brothers would sing without me and I was like well I want to do it too. So then I started singing and I was not too bad and people seemed to enjoy it so I just stuck with it.”

Comma’s dad encouraged the three brothers to begin making content on Youtube so they could share their overflow of talent online. It may have took them some time, but everything eventually fell into place.

“My dad really believed that we could become something from our music abilities and he said that if you can get 12 songs done then he’ll try his best to get us connections and stuff,” Comma said. “So we thought we might as well do it, but we were kind of lazy with it and he said he wouldn’t buy us instruments or anything until he sees us trying. That was like two years of us saying we were going to do the videos until my brother came to us and was like ‘I am starting this company and it could help us. They could take our videos for us and edit them.”

Comma and his brothers dedicate a lot of time to make their videos, and as a result they have formed a bond that has made them closer than ever. The three of them are able to share a common interest that most families do not.

“It’s definitely a bond building thing,” Comma said. “I can definitely say that my brothers are my closest friends just because we spend a lot of time together like writing and coming up with new ideas and just filming together. The main thing is it just really keeps us close.”

The videos Comma has posted on his Youtube and Instagram account have received all positive feedback from his friends and family. One of Comma’s closest friends, sophomore Julian Moore, expresses how glad he is that Comma has began releasing his singing videos and sees how much he is growing from this experience.

“I am glad that he is doing this to put him outside of his comfort zone and to be productive and do something in life that is different,” Moore said. “He has a talent and he is actually going to do something with a talent which most kids don’t do in this day and age.”

Comma continues to share his musical abilities with the internet world. Even though Comma has gained lots of attention from this experience, he always keeps in mind the main reason he loves to sing with his brothers and post his videos.

“You kind of get to a point where you realize you’re doing this for your own enjoyment so what people have to say is the least of my worries,” Comma said. 


About the Writer
Photo of Alyssa Miller
Alyssa Miller, Features Editor
Alyssa Miller is a third year journalism student and the features editor for Lancer Link. She enjoys writing and learning information about the school and is extremely excited to spend her last year at CHS on the journalism staff.
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