I’m not backing off

“Haters Back Off” is not your usual Miranda video

Im not backing off

Alexandra Ayala, news editor

On Oct. 14, “Haters Back Off” an original Netflix series came out to surprise us all. It involves Youtube star, Miranda Sings and her own mishaps on her journey towards fame. Touching on the life of a self-absorbed teen who feels destined for the spotlight is hard to portray well when transitioning between the Youtube realm and the realm of show business.

Created by Colleen and Chris Ballinger, the series kicked off much differently than expected. Yes, it is a given that Colleen Ballinger is the first to jump from internet fame to scripted episodes on television. With very dismal humor and a hard-hitting storyline, it was much darker than anyone had foreseen. Colleen Ballinger, playing Miranda was different than it had felt in her daily Youtube videos, but the essence of her character remained intact for the most part. Her online persona shown in the real world and before fame was extremely uncomfortable, making the show a bit difficult to cope with. With an alleged appeal to teens today, the series made an impact from an odd perspective.

“It was very depressing. It made me depressed because the issue felt too real. Based on her Youtube, you would think that that would not happen in her life, but it just ended up being very real, ” junior Nicole Blue said.

When peering through the curtains of a Youtube star’s life prior to fame, not everything is as neat and tidy as expected. “Haters Back Off” introduces an array of very real problems, differing from what we typically see from her internet self, making everything slightly more dismal than usual.

“I feel like she should have been portrayed differently. She was very different from her Youtube persona. She is rude on Youtube, but she was very mean on the show,” Blue said.

Miranda’s typical egomaniac type mannerisms turn into something more serious than before as she practically overpowers all her family’s wishes. Her bluntness and honesty do not create the same feel that her online self-promotes.

“I did not know what to expect really. I just did not expect that. It gave off kind of a Napoleon Dynamite feel with the awkwardness,” Blue said.

Throwing things out from left field is Miranda’s niche, but to expect something of the caliber that Ballinger’s show offered, was even more out of the blue.Yes, “Haters Back Off” was very awkward, but it is somewhat representative of events in the real world. Not everything ends in a neatly tied bow. The chaotic vibe given off by the show offers a sense of intimacy between both the actors and the audience.

“I actually did like the actors, ” Blue said.

A key attribute to creating the feel of the show lies primarily in the actors. With great supporting roles, the actors beside Miranda (Colleen) could have been the only reason why the show was actually bearable to watch.

“It lacked some bits of comedy. Sometimes it got even more and more depressing, but she is a comedic character,” Blue said.

Miranda’s character is built from a very comedic background, and for the show to lack that, is a sin.  

“The incorporation of old jokes made it enjoyable.There were some really good funny parts,” Blue said.

 Luckily, “Haters Back Off” was not a total sin as it did keep several quintessential comedic elements to at least keep the show moving along.The outrageous smeared, red lipstick keeps most of Miranda’s character intact, but the odd atmosphere outside from the internet created a strained feeling throughout the show. The show takes a different approach to getting the haters to just back off.