Noah Martin
Noah Martin is a junior on the CIF champion varsity waterpolo team.
January 2, 2015
Noah Martin is a member of the Carlsbad High boys water polo team. In Martin’s sophmore year, he was a starting shooter for the JV Carlsbad high team which was undefeated during that 2013 season. Now currently a junior, this was Martin’s first year on varsity, and he still remains a starting player. This year, Martin made the Senior All Star team, which was made up of players from Bishops, Cathedral, Torrey Pines, Carlsbad High School and Florida even though he was a junior. During Martin’s club water polo season, his team made it to Junior Olympics.
Lancer Link: Who is an athlete you look up t0?
Noah Martin: Michael Phelps is an athlete that I look up to. This is because he worked really hard and always strived to do something that people thought nobody could do.
LL: Do you have any pregame rituals?
NM: I personally don’t really have any pre-game rituals. The team goes through the same warm-up and stretches every game. The reason for this is to try to get into a similar mindset each game.
LL: What is your role/postition on the team?
NM: My position is a shooter. I always try to be a leader to some extent. I strive to encourage my teammates and help out however I can.
LL: What do you like about the game?
NM: What I like about water polo is that it combines swimming, which is something that I have always been good at, but never trained enough in to make a swim team. I [also] like the team element, and I like all my teammates and being able to work as a unit.
LL: What has water polo taught you about life?
NM: From water polo, I have learned that hard work always pays off; if you put the time into something, you will prosper.