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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Tipping culture is out of control

Tipping culture is out of control
Leila Pumphrey

Tipping culture in America has taken over and gotten out of control. When paying at a restaurant or the movies, or buying clothes, there is an option to tip 15%, 20%, or even 25%. America is the only country that allows and recommends tipping because worker’s minimum wage is not enough to live in America.

In many countries, tipping is considered rude and an embarrassment. It’s recommended to be polite and respectful, thanking the host when leaving. Dignity always comes first. Minimum wage may be lower in other countries, but that has to do with living costs and day-to-day costs. It is cheaper to live in China than in the U.S. by 45%, and rent is 60% lower than in the U.S. Tipping in America is everywhere because no one makes livable wages without tips, which is not fair to the customers put into this situation.

Many people are tired of being asked to pay extra at businesses that normally wouldn’t require tips. Nearly 63% of Americans have said that to many places are asking for tips, which has resulted in a change in workers’ end pay. Workers are earning less money which is correlated to the cost of American living. As prices in fast food are getting higher, the likelihood of getting tipped is lower. Fast food was a cheap quick place to stop and get lunch, but has now turned into an expensive trip for food that is meant to be cheap. 

California residents are at the top of the tipping chain. California tips more than any other state in the U.S. and is asked to tip at more places. A lot of people feel guilty when asked if they want to tip, so the pressure of someone asking guilts them into tipping someone. 54% of Americans report being guilted into tipping someone they didn’t want to because they were asked to their face the amount they wanted to tip. 

Some people believe that even if the service is bad, customers still need to tip because workers do not make enough money. They say 15% on every check at a restaurant and at least five dollars at coffee shops. Others believe that tipping in a coffee shop is not needed even though they ask for a tip because drinks are ordered at a counter.

Even workers making a little over the minimum wage still struggle with basic necessities. Instead of leaving it to the consumers to help them, business owners should start paying respectable and liveable wages. Consumers are working on their own lives making money and focusing on their families, they shouldn’t have to also be worried about someone else. 

As most places don’t tip, America continues to have tipping requests everywhere due to a lack of minimum wage numbers not being enough. A good tip should be left by choice when the service is excellent and customers truly believe the tip is worth it. Restaurants can give an amazing service and the servers deserve the tip by doing their best. Tips should be given if you had a good service and meal, not when you’re guilted into payment.

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About the Contributor
Leila Pumphrey, Reporter
Leila Pumphrey is currently a junior at Carlsbad High. This is her first year on the journalism staff. She likes her Italian greyhound dog, music and reading.

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