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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Bringing back school trips

Bringing back school trips
Leila Pumphrey

6th grade camp is offered in many schools and provides a memorable experience for a vast majority of students. Students leave the school to go out on a camping experience with the grade.

Senior year is the final grade students enter in high school. The administration tries to make it the best year for students to look back on. Going on a class trip would be an amazing change for students where they are granted a new experience and can have fun with their friends. Camp Marston has been welcoming 6th graders into their camp since 1921 and teaching them more and more about the outdoors.

Students stay at the camp for five days and participate in outdoor activities like rock climbing, canoeing, archery and much more. Spending five nights in a cabin, making s’mores, and doing night walks characterize the fun features of this amazing trip. Students can bring cameras but it is a completely phone-free zone. Camp Marston has kids fully indulging in the wildlife experience.

Seniors have a class dinner, a class breakfast, and a Disneyland trip. With the Disneyland budget we use, seniors could go to Camp Marston instead. Their first trip was in 6th grade, and now students could have the opportunity to go again. Camp Marston would be a great break for students to go somewhere fun, get away from their stress, and just hang out with their friends. 

Students go on a night hike keeping all flashlights off to see better, listening to owls, and looking at the stars. With no big cities around, the stars at night are so visual to the eye. Marston has a campfire and skit night where campers get to enjoy some s’mores, and hotdogs, and see their friends perform funny skits. They play Gaga at night and all sit around the campfire. 

With candle making and arts and crafts, students are always doing something fun. For breakfast, lunch\ and dinner, Camp Marston makes homemade food for all students and specialized dishes for kids with allergies. The lodges contain four rooms and six beds for each room. The camp has plenty of room for large groups of people and also bonds you closer with friends. 

Camp Marston welcomes six thousand students a year, over ninety-five schools from September through June. Camp Marston gives plenty of time for schools to make their requests to let student classes come and enjoy their time together. Carlsbad entering Camp Marston would give these seniors a whole new environment for one last-time memorable experience.

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About the Contributor
Leila Pumphrey, Reporter
Leila Pumphrey is currently a junior at Carlsbad High. This is her first year on the journalism staff. She likes her Italian greyhound dog, music and reading.

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