Why schools should stay closed
CHS gates are locked and the campus is empty due to the coronavirus pandemic. Photo by Danielle Ryan.
May 15, 2020
A worldwide pandemic is not something students predicted was going to happen. Sports, dances, friends and school were all taken away in one night. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to get worse at a much more rapid rate and schools were to remain closed for an indefinite time.
With schools come education, friends and food. Many students did not realize what an important part of daily life school can be. After a few days of the break, school was greatly missed by students everywhere.
For seniors, their last year of high school with friends and new experiences was taken away. For juniors, their most important year of education was taken away. For sophomores, their friends and daily life were taken away. For freshmen, their first year of high school ended early.
Some measures that were taken after the school closure included food drives handing out food for students in need and online optional resources to continue learning while transitioning into online education. Nationwide, stores began closing and people were ordered to social distance themselves and stay indoors.
The transition from public school to online education became a large struggle. This struggle included the feeling of being overwhelmed from the amounts of work being put out, the stress from grades being “frozen,” and even the concern of turning things in on time. With the new change, school was missed and students were eager to go back.
Schools needed to stay closed in order to keep everyone safe and help maintain the social distancing laws. If students went back to school early, the virus would spread very rapidly and increase the number of cases and deaths across the United States. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic declines, schools must stay closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year in order to prevent any relapse of the virus.
China is facing a relapse of the virus just after a few months while still staying cautious. If schools or daily life reopen prematurely in the US, then the virus will not decrease. More deaths, more cases, and more closures will occur if the government prematurely reopens businesses and schools.
“Officials said Monday [April 13] that mainland China had 169 new confirmed cases of infection, with 61 of them described as ‘asymptomatic’ COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus,” Scott Neuman at NPR said.
Many parents argue that the closures of schools are not necessary for the extended period of time. Schools provided education, food, shelter, a “day care” system for children, and a social experience. Parents need to be concerned more about their health and reducing the spread. Closing schools will also give students a chance to catch up and take a break from all the stress and school work during the year.
While taking time away from schools, students can work on improving their education with SAT practice, college essay practice, and school work. They must also practice social distancing, washing their hands, and avoid touching their face. Students must continue staying indoors in order for the virus to decrease its chance to spread.
In order to stop the spread and get everything back to normal, schools and businesses must stay closed for a longer period of time and continue social distancing in order to get everything back to normal quicker.