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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Rocking out: Xenia Mateiu’s Village Rock Shop thrives in Carlsbad

Chloe Stevens
Walking into the shop, handmade dream catchers, crystals and plants are brought to the eye.
The Carlsbad Village Rock Shop has a separate room full of fine art pieces. Mateiu holds art shows for local artists in her shop. (Chloe Stevens)

As of 2018, founder Xenia Mateiu’s Village Rock Shop has been open for business. Located in central Carlsbad, the shop offers a variety of items from crystals to dream catchers. She shares her struggles and good times throughout her journey of running a small business.

Itching to explore her interests, Mateiu felt it was finally time to take the next step in pursuing her dream. Though the decision came with some financial risks, Mateiu realized she needed to prioritize what was important to her.

“I felt like I couldn’t grow anymore at the job I had,” Mateiu said. “I learned so much but it was time to push myself into a higher position and be able to do more tasks.”

Though Mateiu always aspired to run her own business, she needed a push in the right direction. Inspired by a friend, Mateiu finally gained the perspective she needed to fulfill her passion.

“It was a really nice push and challenge from someone with an outside outside point of view,” Mateiu said. “It was completely visible to them, but to me, it wasn’t.”

From jewelry and candles to paintings, the Village Rock Shop renders a vast inventory of products for all kinds of customers. Mateiu gives back to her community as well, hosting fine art shows for local artists in Carlsbad.

“I think it is a good community because it really just has something for everyone, even if crystals aren’t their thing,” freshman Claire Otten said.

Though she now offers a multitude of products, Mateiu still crafts many herself. Many of the items she makes even derive from passions that began before the business, some bringing her more joy than others.

“I have always enjoyed making dream catchers, that is my meditation,” Mateiu said. “I always did that more for myself but it became a part of my business.”

As suggested by the business name, Mateiu tries to incorporate her rocks and crystals into many of her products and jewelry. The varying crystals are meant to emit all kinds of positive energies, she brings this aspect to her shop’s environment to help gain a new perspective on what she is selling and why she is selling it.

“I really like to look at the crystals by the window because the sun beams off of them and looks pretty,” Otten said. “They are all really beautiful colors and match with each other.”

While Mateiu’s business is small, the shop’s connections are vast, with their supplies coming from all over the world. Rather than partnering with larger companies, Mateiu prefers collaborating with solo businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their culture and offer more diverse products.

“One of my favorite things about owning this business is connecting with suppliers in other countries because my crystals come from mines or I’ll have a representative in [different] areas,” Mateiu said.

With Mateiu’s handmade personal items, she makes an effort to expand the community’s culture by giving people an authentic place to buy gifts and products for themselves as well. As Carlsbad continues to grow, she hopes her small business will remain as a place for tourists and locals alike to experience her diverse passions.

“Carlsbad has been getting filled with bigger companies,” Mateiu said. “But I always want it to be a cool spot where people want to come to the little funky gift shop down State Street.”

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About the Contributor
Chloe Stevens
Chloe Stevens, Reporter
Chloe Stevens is a freshman at Carlsbad High School. This is her first year as a reporter on the Lancer Link staff. She enjoys surfing and playing soccer. Her dream career is to be a Journalist and she is very excited to be writing for the Lancer Link website.

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