“Winter cools” mean time for tide pools
Low winter tides reveal creatures, rocks, shells and wildlife to the public. Usually these features are hidden in deeper water.
March 27, 2023
Winter tides here in Carlsbad, California mean tide pool viewing season. The winter season brings the lowest tides of the year, revealing the tide pools all along Carlsbad beaches.
Many students enjoy going to the tide pools during the winter months as it is a cool and easy activity. Junior Jillian Lupica describes the perfect times to see tide pools at their peak.
“The perfect time to see the tide pools is when it is very low tide,” Lupica said. “Recently, the king tide has created the perfect conditions to go out and enjoy the tide pools.”

Junior Chloe SteeleWright is one of many students who visit the tide pools during the winter months. She loves all the sea life they hold.
“I love the tide pools because they are really cool and you get to see a lot of little sea creatures like sea hares, lobsters, and shells,” SteeleWright said. “They are cool to look at, cool to visit.”
Lupica also likes going down to see the tide pools. She favors the tide pools because of the creatures and their location.
“I love the tide pools because I get to experience cool sea creatures and be by the ocean, my favorite place,” Lupica said.
SteeleWright explains the importance of protecting the tide pools as they are a rare feature unique to California beaches.
“The tide pools are a really unique thing in Southern California as they cover most of our beaches here,” SteeleWright said. “They are important to protect because they carry a lot of life in them and it is a very big ecosystem which houses many small marine animals.”
Yes, the tide pools are available for all citizens in the community to look at and visit. However, when people go to see them, they must be cautious and careful in order to preserve and protect the pools. If students continue to respect the tide pools, they can forever remain a cool sight to see.

“When students go visit them, be respectful of where you’re stepping,” SteeleWright said. “Be careful to not step on animals and shells and don’t leave trash.”
Lupica explains the importance of students being cautious of their waste when visiting the tide pools as trash can harm sea life. It is important for community members to do their part in keeping the tide pools clean and a safe environment for all wildlife.
“Students can protect the tide pools by taking part in beach cleanups and taking care of their trash and waste when visiting the pools,” Lupica said.
Students of CHS and members of the Carlsbad Community must be mindful of their waste and eco-footprint on the planet. If every citizen does their part in preserving the natural planet, the tide pools can continue to be a sight to see every winter and every low tide for all of Carlsbad.
“They are a beautiful view for everyone to experience,” Lupica said.