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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Gyms offer an escape for students

Eva Huebner
The 24 Hour Fitness located by Palomar Airport is a popular spot for students to work out.

Gyms are gaining popularity among high school students. Planet Fitness, LA Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness are witnessing students who attend the gym for physical fitness and mental relief on an everyday basis.

From lifting weights to cardio, the gym has become a hit sanctuary for students to take care of both their physical and mental health. Junior Addison Rudy is a student-athlete in track and field and furthers her training by attending the gym.

“I go to L.A. Fitness,” Rudy said. “I usually go at five in the morning with my dad.”

Carlsbad gyms are typically open twenty-four hours a day, allowing students to come whenever their schedule permits them to. Rudy believes the gym can accommodate mental health with the rewarding feel of pushing through a hard workout.

“The gym has helped me mentally,” Rudy said. “It helps me get over challenges because when a weight is too heavy and I push through and do it, that makes me feel accomplished.”

Developing a routine at the gym is crucial to setting new goals and challenges that motivate you to push through personal challenges. Rudy crafted her usual routine that targets her upper body.

“My typical routine is working out my arms because since we run five days a week on track, it makes sense to strengthen my arms and lift because my legs get that so often already,” Rudy said.

Sophomore Abby Clodfelter is also a student-athlete in track and field. She frequently visits 24 Hour Fitness on Saturdays because that’s when her busy schedule permits her to go. Clodfelter shares similar goals to Rudy, intending to build strength.

“I go to the gym to get stronger, to get fit and to get toned,” Clodfelter said. “I also find that the gym relieves any stress or anger I’ve been feeling throughout the week.”

The gym appears to be pure physical but there is a mental element to it. The gym offers various equipment that people can use to relieve negative feelings while achieving physical goals. Clodfelter reflects on why she specifically likes the treadmill and stairmaster so much.

“Whenever I feel tense, I like the treadmill and stair master because I continuously do the action until I’m tired,” Clodfelter said.

Gyms provide different stations that focus on particular muscles like core, arms or legs. Students can choose whether to lift weights, run on the treadmill or push through five minutes on the stairmaster.

“I appreciate the gym because it brings a stimulating environment and adds pressure for me to push through my workouts,” Rudy said.

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About the Contributor
Eva Huebner
Eva Huebner, Assistant Editor
Eva Huebner is currently a junior at Carlsbad High School. This is her second year on the journalism staff and first year as an assistant editor. She likes her dogs, going to the gym and reading.

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