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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

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News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Life beyond the classroom

Home economics equip students for the future
Maddy Daly

Home Economics is a class that was introduced to schools in the late 19th century. After 94 years of it being mandatory, it has now left many schools. Home Ec class teaches students how to bake, sew, cook and other skills. These skills help prepare students for a life after school and should be reintroduced to the basic curriculum. 

Sophomore Jayden Bohne speaks up on her point of view on the possibility of taking a Home Ec course at CHS. She has been in the Carlsbad school district ever since elementary school and has never found interest in most electives available over the years.

“If Home Ec was an option for an elective, I would easily take it,” Bohne said. “It would teach me more about my future life, and not just simple things like history and science that I won’t ever use.”

While fostering useful education, Home Ec also interests students. The idea of hands-on classwork engages students in a way that basic subjects may not.

“My favorite part of Home Ec would definitely be baking, because that’s not something we’re taught on a daily basis,” Bohne said, “It’s also something that I and a lot of other people find fun.”

Home Ec may be fun, but it actually is something that students will use in their everyday lives after school. After graduating, students will need to know how to fend for themselves without outside help.

“We need to grow up with this knowledge because someday, we won’t always have other people looking out for us.” Bohne said. 

CHS teacher Susie Becker grew up taking Home Economics and has a strong passion for teaching students home life skills. As a child development teacher, she advocates for the reintroduction of a Home Economics class to provide students with practical life skills essential for their future lives.

“It’s the one thing that kids ask me all the time: ‘Why don’t we have this?’” Becker said. “’How come I don’t know how to cook, how come I don’t know about nutrition?’”

It’s crucial for students to understand nutrition as it empowers them to make healthier choices and improves their overall well-being. By learning cooking skills, students can gain more independence in their home lives and set a foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

“These students are going off to college or living on their own and there are many repercussions that come from not knowing these basic skills.” Becker said. 

While Home Ec provides students with practical life skills, it also opens doors to more diverse careers in various areas such as culinary arts, nutrition, hospitality, event planning, catering and counseling. Moreover, Home Ec teaches students skills like teamwork, time management and problem solving, which are essential in any workplace. 

“After I graduated from college, it really helped me know how clothing is constructed, and later led me to teach Home Economics.” Becker said.

Overall, the idea of Home Ec is to encourage students to become more productive and ready for an independent life. Being in a class that involves hands-on learning engages students on a deeper level. 

“I think people would be healthier and put their phones down and be more creative,” Becker said. “It’s super vibrant, it’s super exciting, and there are a lot of related jobs out there.”

Home Economics is an innovative way to teach students about their future lives. If this class continues to stay out of the high school curriculum, many students will not be prepared or ready for a life beyond the classroom.

“I am majorly disappointed that this is not already an option at our school,” Bohne said. “This needs to be something available for students who want to learn this.”


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About the Contributor
Maddy Daly
Maddy Daly, Social Media Editor
Maddy is a sophomore and in her second year in journalism. In her free time, she figure skates and plays volleyball.

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