New AVID tutor course implemented at CHS


Adoley Swaniker

Riley Worthington (12) helps Caden Homes (9) with his homework. The new AVID tutoring class gives upperclassmen the opportunity to receive community service hours while helping underclassmen get ahead.

Motivated, hard-working and determined, AVID students take a strong start to the new school year. Also known as Advancement Via Individual Determination, AVID is a program that is offered to students of all grade levels. This course prepares students for college by teaching life lessons as well as academic skills.

“AVID made me more organized, and it helped me a lot with college decisions,” senior Samantha Lopez said. “I had no idea what I wanted to do after high school, but now I know I want to go to college. AVID has also made me a lot closer with my peers– we’re like a family.”

This year, a new course has been implemented for seniors in the AVID program. Called AVID tutor, this class allows seniors to spend one period in an AVID classroom providing assistance to underclassmen and gaining leadership experience.

“They come to either my fourth period class, or Mr. Tamayo’s first period class,” AVID coordinator Ms. Britton said. “I definitely think that the ninth and tenth graders like having the upperclassmen here. They are asking them questions and interacting with them. They are definitely looking at the older kids as role models.”

The senior AVID tutors use their experiences from high school to provide information and guidance to the underclassmen.

“We’re there for the kids,” senior and AVID tutor Jalissa Barrientos said. “We help them study and understand how AVID works. We’re a little bit like a teacher and mentor to them. But at the same time, we are peers so they can talk to us about more things.”

The AVID tutor course does not only help the underclassmen, but also allows the seniors to give back to the community and practice skills that can help them in a work environment.

“It helps us develop speaking skills, communication and patience too,” Barrientos said.

Tutors provide ninth and tenth graders with one-on-one help and present lessons on subjects such as applying for colleges in front of the class .

“We learn teamwork,” Lopez said. “They get to communicate between themselves and build stronger relationships with their peers.”

Although it is the beginning of the year, AVID tutors are already making an impact on their classes by giving advice, teaching lessons and preparing for the rest of the year.