As many seniors race against the clock to get college applications turned in, there is one resource which is commonly overlooked but of great benefit to students.
Naviance is a web-based program aimed at helping students plan for education beyond high school. There are many features of Naviance which make the college application process easier for students. It is a place where all of a students information is uploaded and students are able to easily stay in contact with counselors as they maneuver through this arduous process.
“Naviance has made the college application process easier for me. It gives me an insight to various colleges I’m interested in,” senior Chloe Dolkas said.
The site even features a scatter plot which estimates your probability of acceptance in comparison to previous CHS student acceptances. Many people find these features helpful as they narrow down their college searches.
“I enjoy using Naviance and think everyone should take advantage of the opportunities it offers,” Dolkas said.
Although many students find Naviance to be helpful with the college process, there has been much controversy over the site. Many students oppose Naviance claiming it is “difficult to navigate”. Administrators are trying to change the negative perception of Naviance by encouraging more students to become connected at a young age.
“If every student does the activities on Naviance, they will be better prepared for education beyond high school,” counselor Patsy Bentley said.
Counselors are even having eighth graders sign up for Naviance. These eighth grade students will be at a great advantage when they are seniors because they will already be familiar with the site.
“The idea behind having eighth graders on Naviance is to get students and parents to be aware that it is a six year process, not only four,” counselor Roger Brown said.
As an incentive to get students connected to Naviance, counselors have devised the idea of giving prizes to students who are using Naviance. Counselors will have certain tasks for the students to do to stay involved with Naviance.
“Those students who do these tasks by a certain date are eligible for a raffle for Lancer bucks,” Brown said.
Stay up to date with your counselor because you just may win a giftcard to Lancer Jacks. Even if you’re a freshman, it’s never too early to start thinking about college.