On Feb. 8, students had the opportunity to research the application of education to real life situations at San Diego Science Alliance’s High Tech Fair.
Hosted on the Del Mar Fairgrounds, the event allowed students to interact with professional educators from the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) field. The High Tech Fair was divided into 7 sections: Biotech, Energy and Clean Tech, Conservation and Environment, Aerospace and Engineering, HealthTech, InfoTech and Robotics.
“Most of the businesses use math applied to their industry,” math teacher Jeff Simon said.
Each division was supported by companies who shared their knowledge and products. The Conservation and Environment section included the Carlsbad Aqua farm which showed students the benefits of domestic agricultural techniques.
“My favorite was the aqua farm,” Simon said. “I saw a tank of sea monkeys and saw a clam swim.”
Another display was The San Diego Project Heart Beat exhibit which featured a live ambulance with medical equipment laid out. Students watched as experts demonstrated medical procedures such as CPR and explained how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machine.
Also in the Health Tech division, Tri-City Medical Center held a interesting show about the use of technology to prevent heart attacks.
“They had stent examples used for the heart that helped pump blood,” freshman Sandra Shin said.
At the space and engineering division, students learned about the functioning of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), the design of an engine and the working of aviation equipment.
“I learned some new facts like the difference between an industrial turbine engine and a jet engine,” freshman Harper Moore said. “The overall experience was educational and fun.”
The High Tech Fair introduced students to career choices while educating them.
“My motivation for attending was for those students who were really interested in a career, a STEM career, to get exposed to job opportunities,” Simon said. “It’s neat to me to see them maturely interact with industry experts.”