Editorial Policies
Mission Statement and Editorial Policy
Mission Statement: The Lancer Link aims to inform the public with credible, thought-provoking information. We seek to inspire change through free expression and diverse perspectives. As student journalists, we strive to present all issues with fairness, impartiality, maturity and journalistic integrity.
Editorial Policy: The Lancer Link is written by the students of the Advanced Journalism class. It is edited by an editorial board who make all content related decisions and are responsible for all material appearing online. The opinions presented in the Lancer Link do not necessarily represent the position of the entire staff, Carlsbad High School, or the Carlsbad Unified School District.
As a public forum for student expression, Lancer Link welcomes letters to the editor and comments on articles, but reserves the right to refuse inappropriate letters and comments. All comments are moderated by The Lancer Link editorial board and must include an email address. Lancer Link does not accept anonymous comments or letters to the editor and may edit work for grammar and length.
Letters to the Editor may be emailed to lancerlinknews@gmail.com
Corrections and Takedown Requests:
To support the mission and policies of CHS Publications, the editorial board makes all content and publishing related decisions for our publications. The following policies guide the board when presented with requests for alterations to content published online.
Corrections: CHS Publications takes our integrity seriously and strives to ensure all published work is truthful and accurate. If we fail in this goal, we want to fix our error. The public may make requests to correct factual errors in published work as long as the content in question can be proven to be incorrect. The requester must provide evidence of the inaccuracy and as well as correct information so an editor can update the article.
Takedown Requests: To protect our journalists and their First Amendment rights, as well as the reporting they do for our school, the editorial board will consider the following criteria when reviewing requests to remove published work from our website.
- Is there a significant portion of the content that can be proven to be factually inaccurate to an extent that the errors can not be corrected in a manner that maintains the integrity of the published work?
- Can the requester prove that the reporter invaded a source’s or subject’s privacy by engaging in unethical news gathering activities?
- Can the requestor prove that the published content is defamatory?
- Does the content violate copyright law?
Other than these four criteria, the board is not legally required to remove content published on our site. The board may decide to make changes or negotiate a solution other than removal to help the requester feel more comfortable with published content.
To request a correction or takedown of a published piece, email your request to the editorial board at lancerlinknews@gmail.com and provide the following information:
- Your Name
- The title of the article in question
- What action you would like to be taken
- Your reasons for requesting this action including examples of how the request meets our criteria for correction or removal.