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  • Broadcasting Club has their first meeting on March 19th at lunch in room 5105, all are welcome!
  • March 28th is the FINAL DAY to purchase tickets for the senior breakfast on 6/4, and dinner on 5/20
  • Students are now able to sign up for the blood drive on April 1st, donors will receive a $10 gift card to In-N-Out!
  • Welcome back to second semester lancers!
News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

News for the Carlsbad High School Community

The Lancer Link

Audrey Mekjian

Audrey Mekjian, staff writer

Aud Mekjian is in the twelfth grade and has had no experience in journalistic writing. However, they are very interested in learning more about this format of writing. They also enjoy dogs and solitude. They hope to advocate for marginalized people and the environment later in life.

All content by Audrey Mekjian
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Audrey Mekjian