Top Ten reasons to join Loud Crowd
Loud Crowd does push-ups after every touchdown. They helped everyone get into the spirit of the game.
October 21, 2015
1. Loud Crowd leaders: An elite few of the CHS student body are chosen each year to fearlessly guide the Loud Crowd to victory, and this year is no exception. In fact, this year’s Loud Crowd leaders go above and beyond, devoting extra time to developing new chants and optimizing the Loud Crowd experience. You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to experience the antics of the Loud Crowd leaders at the next game. Plus, they (attempt to) do push ups and rip off their pants. What’s not to love?
2. DJ Retzer: If you haven’t heard already, our Loud Crowd boasts something few others can: a rockin’ DJ. For Loud Crowd, each and every home game is essentially a concert, free with your standard admission to the game.
3. Cheers: The heart and soul of Loud Crowd. When you’re in the Purple Pit, it’s always C-Bad time. Few things in life bring the kind of joy that screaming “Lancer Territory” alongside hundreds of other CHS students does. The Loud Crowd leaders are always ready to break out a “Defense” chant to get the students and the players hyped.
4. Vape Blaster 3000: This apparatus was originally crafted for the hands of Zeus. However, the god of all gods decided the Vape Blaster 3000 would be better utilized by the Loud Crowd. This cannon-like apparatus shoots giant “O’s” into the crowd, resulting in louder cheers and larger smiles all around.
5. Vape Blaster Mach 2: If massive fog rings floating over Loud Crowd weren’t enough to get you hyped, don’t worry. Loud Crowd is equipped with military-grade vape technology, complete with 20 foot geysers of fog and led light shows. If you’re lucky enough to witness a perfect sync between DJ Retzer’s bass drops and the Mach 2’s geyser load, you won’t soon forget it.
6. Free swag: Have you ever dreamed of being lucky (and skilled) enough to catch a t-shirt at an NFL, WNBA or other sporting event? Well, now you can. Loud Crowd gives out plenty of merchandise each game to students in the Loud Crowd. And with a high-powered t-shirt gun, no spectator in the stand is out of reach during these giveaways.
7. Year-round festivities: High schoolers are busy, and often can’t make it to every Loud Crowd event. Lucky for you, Loud Crowd keeps the fun going strong all year, giving students a multitude of opportunities to experience the happiness Loud Crowd brings. Even if you’re a tri-sport athlete or an avid thespian, Loud Crowd does it’s best to support every activity, providing even the busiest student with an opportunity to cheer on their fellow Lancers.
8. Support CHS activities: As a member of CHS, you’re fortunate enough to call yourself a Lancer. You’re a part of something special, The Carlsbad High School. Why not express your pride by supporting Lancer athletics and activities? Show all those other schools how wrong they are to think they have the best student section in San Diego.
9. Camaraderie within the student body: Few activities on campus are able to bring freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors together in the way Loud Crowd does. Loud Crowd could be where you meet your next best friend, or even the love of your life. Don’t skip out on your chance to gain new friends, and therefore, new Instagram followers.
10. Get the most out of your high school experience: High school is a special time in everyone’s life. Unfortunately, too many students fail to take advantage of all the opportunities they are given in high school. Carlsbad High School is a one-of-a-kind school, and our Loud Crowd is a unique activity available for every student. Don’t miss out.