Lancers float their way into homecoming weekend
The senior class builds their Spiderman inspired float.
October 1, 2021
This Friday, the annual Lancer Day parade will be held on the streets of the Carlsbad village. Each graduating class decorates a float, fully designed by students, to fit the theme of this year’s homecoming dance Avengers.
The Lancer classes have been working hard this past week to get their floats ready for the parade on Friday afternoon. The class presidents have gathered students to help with the floats and future events.
“This year’s design of the float is going to reflect the overall theme of homecoming which is Avengers,” junior Ava Grosley said. “We chose to do Captain America since we wanted to be more sustainable with our float and get decorations donated to us as well.”
Each class has the opportunity to do something unique and different for their design. All students are welcomed and encouraged to aid in the process of constructing their float, especially student artists.
“Students can get involved with building and being a part of the parade by signing up via Google form on the class account,” senior Addie Hess said. “We are building after school so they can show up, all help is wanted!”
Throughout the parade students from each class, volunteer to pull the floats. The Carlsbad community will be able to see all the floats and what makes them all unique in the parade.

“During the Lancer parade we have a group of Sophomores that pull it and take it through the whole parade with all the other floats, the club floats, football float, and cheer team,” sophomore Romie Coffler said.
This year all the classes have one-of-a-kind themes based on their favorite Marvel movies. The senior class float is based on Spider-man, the junior class chose Captain America, the sophomore class picked Hulk, and the freshman class decided on Iron Man.
“As the sophomore class president I chose for Hulk to be the theme so we get to incorporate some purple into our float as well from Hulk’s pants,” Coffler said.
Getting involved doesn’t have to stop at helping to build Homecoming floats. There are plenty more opportunities for students to volunteer and participate in class events throughout the rest of the year.
“There is a senior event almost every month for the rest of the year! It’s never too late to get involved and participate” Hess said.
The class presidents want to ensure that this year’s events are enjoyable for all students. Students can message them on the class Instagram accounts, or email them to give feedback or ideas.
“If students would like to get in contact with us, they are welcome to DM our account or find us on campus,” Freshman Lily Nolte said. “We are totally open to new ideas and look forward to helping in any way we can.”