Whose idea was it to create a public place to keep books and “lend” them out to people? Was this person naive in their thoughts that people would return the books they borrowed? Amnesty week at Carlsbad High School, lasting from March 23 to 29, looks to answer this question.
Amnesty is a “a general pardon for offenses.” For Carlsbad, this pardon pertains to a pardon of overdue library books. Wether they are damaged or not, this opportunity is rare for Carlsbad and should be taken advantage of.
Principal Dr. Steitz made a special video featured on CHSTV about amnesty week to spread the word and encourage students to put in the minimal effort to help restock the library.
“We hereby declare a state of amnesty for all text or library books,” Steitz said. “No official action will be taken upon the return of library books.”.
Students will be able to openly return their books under a “no questions asked” policy. In other words, no ridicule, criticism, or general embarrassment will confront book returners. In fact, students who return books will probably be welcome because of their positive actions in helping the school.
“Students are encouraged to bring back all overdue, damaged library books with no fines, no questions asked and no jail time,” Steitz said.
The library is Carlsbad’s center of knowledge and provides a great opportunity for students to access many genres and different types of literature. Also, all the novels and textbooks students utilize in and out of class come from our very own library.
Instead of paying excessive fines that grow larger over time, amnesty week gives students another option. The administration understands that sometimes people can forget about that version of “The Scarlet Letter” they forgot to return last year. And luckily in this case, with understanding comes action.
Chances are, this is Carlsbad’s only chance to avoid the pesky fees that come with forgetfulness. This is also the chance to replenish the books that are so vital to a balanced education.
“A book is a terrible thing to waste,” Steitz said.