Jewelry makers on campus
All rings featured in this image are hand made by Teagen Seifert. Photo by Teagen Seifert.
March 31, 2021
Jewelry has taken a rise in popularity in the past few months. Rings in particular have risen immensely in their popularity. People have taken to making their own jewelry seeing as it’s fun, cost efficient and can be personalized. Jewelry is another form of being able to express yourself through what you wear.
Over the past few months, many people have found new hobbies and many things have taken a new found popularity among teens. Some students started making jewelry because they wanted something to keep them busy.
“I first got into jewelry making during quarantine because I was bored and it gave me something to do,” freshman Teagen Seifert said. “I’m also a pretty big jewelry wearer myself and I thought why not make my own.”

Since rings are so popular right now, many people making and selling jewelry are mainly focusing on those since they are easy and popular. Many different types of rings have become popular such as clay, wire and bead. Although rings aren’t the only type of jewelry that have taken a rise in popularity, necklaces, bracelets and earrings have also become immensely popular.
“I make wire rings out of just plain wire and I make cool designs with them,” Seifert said. “I also have a lot of beads that I like to incorporate into my designs. I’m also looking into starting to make clay rings.”
Some people use jewelry to portray a certain message they would like to get out into the world. Senior Aquila Sol makes jewelry and she spreads the message against toxic masculinity and feels there needs to be change through her jewelry.
“I started with bracelets but I was working on a project for sociology class. I was taking on toxic masculinity where we needed to do something artistic,” Sol said. “So I started making rings and started a project based around toxic masculinity and gender norms.”
Making jewelry is a unique way of portraying your inner creativity and putting it into action.
“I just really needed a new way of getting my creative juices flowing, but I’ve never been good at painting and drawing,” Sol said. “I am, however, super into earrings and stuff since I have a bunch of ear piercings, so I thought, bam! Wire jewelry it is.”

Many young jewelers have social media accounts on many different platforms where they show off their work. The most popular platform to sell their products would be Instagram, where you can find many interesting and unique jewelry pieces. Sol and Seirfert have Instagram accounts. Sol’s account is named @Madewithsoljewelry and Seirfert’s account is