Orchestra Winter Concert strings its way into the holiday season
Orchestra had their Winter Concert Mon. Dec. 14. The money from the tickets is going towards sending orchestra to festivals and competitions.
December 16, 2015
It’s that time of year again! Holiday cheer is in the air, and with the addition of the Orchestra Concert to events such as the Choir Concert, Lancer Dancer Showcase and the school play “Nooses Off,” Carlsbad is popping. On Dec. 14, Orchestra gifted us with their Winter Concert, showcased in the CAC. Through the concert, its audience witnessed the Chamber Orchestra and the String Orchestra perform popular christmas songs as well many classic pieces.
Orchestra put hard work into these pieces to create the highest quality of sound.
“We started learning the songs about three months ago,” senior Emily Kimura said. “We have been practicing during class periods and have had a few after school rehearsals.”
With the expensive cost of running the Orchestra program, students used this concert as a fundraiser.
“We are raising money to go to festivals and just trying to get people in the Christmas spirit,” Kimura said.
In a turn of events, Orchestra surprised the audience with a dual performance between themselves and band.
“This is our first time doing a combined piece with band in I think ever,” Kimura said.
Future audiences may be able to witness a new era of orchestra concerts with the collaboration of two music programs at Carlsbad High. Recently Orchestra and Choir performed together at Mira Costa College in a concert. The flexibility of each musical program on campus to come together and harmonize brings new sounds to the playing field. The concert worked as an escape from all the stress that is senior year, and focused on bonding with peers and playing good, classical music. The concert also brings together the new freshmen and seniors as they prepare for the festivals in the spring.
“In the short term we have our gift wrapping coming up at the outlet mall, so we are doing some fundraising for that now that our performance season for winter is over,” senior Lauren Weisseberger said. “And long term for the rest of the year is; we have our festival coming up in March and end of year concert coming up in June.”
Support the orchestra program by attending these events and cheer the musicians on as they head towards their spring performance season.
“This is really important to me because you’re always doing something that’s really fun, we decorate the stage and have hot chocolate,” Kimura said.