MGMT’s new album is no ‘Oracular Spectacular’

The psychedelic rock group MGMT rose to the top of the charts when they released their critically acclaimed album, ‘Oracular Spectacular’ in 2008. This album sold 17 thousand units in the first week of its arrival, marking a huge victory for the indie scene. With the three killer singles, ‘Kids’, ‘Time to Pretend’ and ‘Electric Feel’, MGMT received wide and plentiful attention.

MGMT released their third and newest album called ‘MGMT’. Highly anticipated in the indie community, MGMT has brought to life their self-titled album. This new and strange sound has lots to live up to compared to ‘Oracular Spectacular’.

“I felt as though the songs off of ‘Oracular Spectacular’ were executed much better. They were all very memorable and catchy,” senior Dylan Pope said. “The new songs fall short and aren’t exactly up to par with the old material.”

The main thing that MGMT sported with their debut album was a fun and hopeful ideology. Listening to ‘Oracular Spectacular’ was like going on an adventure, which is what made that record so popular. ‘MGMT’ feels like an adventure at points, but other songs feel like a journey through space with stock music added on a Yamaha keyboard. But other listeners seem to disagree.

“I thought the newer songs were very catchy! They were cool and interesting to listen too,” freshman Preston Brandmeyer said. “I especially loved the music videos that accompanied them.”

The apparent change of direction in MGMT’s music is also somewhat of a concern. The alternating sound of the new album doesn’t sound like the kind of tune that got ‘Oracular Spectacular’ the number 18 spot on Rolling Stone’s Top Albums of the 2000’s.

“The music for ‘Your Life Is A Lie’ is good and all , but the lyrics are simple and don’t exactly convey what a song as clever as ‘Kids’ could,” senior Cheyenne McIntire said. “I much prefer the sound of the old, and don’t like how the new changes the whole formula.”

The overall lack of the harmonic sound MGMT used to create has set their new music behind the old, with an average of a 3/5 rating. It just doesn’t seem as though the music industry is ready for what MGMT is offering to consumers.

“Old MGMT was just a lot catchier,” junior Tyler Alesiani said. “I find it hard to get into their new album like I did with the old. Every band has a flop, and I’d say this is theirs.”