Every year the incoming freshmen at most colleges and universities get bombarded with homework and find very little time to exercise. To deal with their stress they decide to eat. For meals and snacks the only option open is the cafeteria with unlimited sugary and fattening foods. After a few weeks a couple of extra pounds creep up on freshmen. Luckily, there are many simple ways of avoiding the “Freshmen 15.”
After doing hours of homework, most students need a break. Instead of going on facebook, take a fifteen minute jog or walk. A walk or jog in between doing homework proves an easy way to put exercise into a busy schedule.
Do not just jog around campus for a workout, find some time to go to the gym. Make a schedule and try to go at least three times a week. Campus gyms often offer classes such as yoga and pilates. Try and find a enjoyable class that way working out will not feel like such a hassle.
Living an active lifestyle will help avoid the “Freshmen 15.” Instead of just sitting around at parties, try dancing. Dancing is great aerobic exercise and burns lots of calories. Instead of watching TV and eating junk with friends on a lazy day, try and find workout DVD’s and do them together. Working out seems fun when done with friends.
When picking meals make healthy choices by not eating too much junk food at one meal. Eat at least one fruit with a meal and remember to watch serving sizes. Replacing one or two snacks that go with meals cuts down calories. Avoid eating fattening snacks like chips, fries and cake. Instead, eat nutritious fruits and vegetables. Try making a fruit salad: mix strawberries, blueberries, pineapple and oranges. This tastes delicious.
Just remember these tips when starting college and avoiding the “Freshmen 15” should be a breeze.