• Name – Lauren O’Neill
  • Grade next year – 12
  • Position next year – senior president
  • Why she ran – “I saw the senior president this year and what he did and that he was a large part of all the events. I wanted to be a part of coordinating and creating events to make senior year better for everyone else.”
  • Why she’s qualified – “I think I’m qualified because I’m involved in the school a lot. I’m in a lot of clubs and organizations so I think I know a lot of the student body so I’m able to get different opinions to put into the events.”
  • Campaign strategy – ran unopposed
  • Why she won – ran unopposed
  • What she plans on doing – “I want to continue a lot of the events that happened this year like Senior Sunrise and Senior Breakfast and stuff like that. I also want to add out of school activities to make the senior class more cohesive and very fun for everyone.”

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