Most of you are probably thinking: what off-season? But for those of you who have gaps between sports seasons, here are some ways to keep in shape. It’s easy to prepare yourself for that upcoming season mentally, but can physically be a challenge. In order to be in top condition by try-outs, training during the off-season is necessary and easy with these helpful tips:
Get a gym membership: Gyms are everywhere. Though expensive, getting a gym membership pays off because of the large availability of exercise equipment. Most gyms provide a wide variety of exercise classes which help strength and conditioning training as well as a fun alternative to hours on a treadmill.
Download workout apps: The App Store has a variety of fitness apps to assist training for all sports and activities. From light stretching to rigorous running, fitness apps are an easy, accessible way to keep in top condition.
Eat healthy: Diet is very important when it comes to staying in shape. Getting the right amount of vitamins and protein is key to a healthy lifestyle. Though keeping up the habit can be tricky, there are easy ways to find the healthiest options. Drinking water is also one of the most important things you can do to keep a healthy mind and body.
Exercise ball: Tired of sitting on a regular old chair while doing homework? Sit on an exercise ball while you study to strengthen your core. You can also use it for a total body workout if you’re ready for a challenge.
Lift weights: While many athletes only focus on cardio, lifting weights is necessary to sculpt muscles and prevent future injuries.
Yoga: Though it may not seem like a challenge, yoga is a great way to stay mentally strong and physically flexible. Investing in yoga allows you to keep in touch with your mind and get mentally stronger.
Put together home workouts: By adding exercise into your daily routine, you stay active all throughout the day. It can be as simple as doing some extra chores or doing sit ups during the commercials of your favorite TV show. Incorporating little exercises will keep you in shape without you even knowing it.
Run with teammates: Every year, San Diego county sees an abundance of themed 5k runs which are fun ways to stay in shape with friends, such as the Blacklight Run, Mud Run and Color Run. Not only do you continue your cardio habits, but you’re also getting in some quality team bonding to ensure a cooperative season.
Cross-training: Cross-training is an easy way to strengthen your body and mix up your routine outside of your sport. If you are a runner, try swimming. If you are a swimmer, try water biking. Even try out Crossfit for a challenging way to test your body’s limit and gain total physical strength.
Walking: Walking is an easy way to put some beautiful scenery and low-impact exercise into your day. There are so many places around the Carlsbad and greater San Diego area full of challenging trails for you and your team to experience some good exercise and fun.