Sophie Struna
As the school year comes to a close, seniors have lots of fun activities planned together. For the first time, this year seniors will be celebrating the end of the school year with a Spaghetti Night on May 31st. This event will cost five dollars at the door to help pay for the cost of the food.
Though this event is small, it is a fun opportunity to get together and share some laughs with friends.
“The senior spaghetti night is where all the seniors will get together in the quad and we will have Olive Garden catering,” senior Emily Dewhurst said. “Basically we are just going to eat spaghetti together and we will also have a talent show where seniors can showcase their talents. Another activity that is happening on this night is we will be granting the senior wishes. For those who don’t know, the senior wish is where a student can grant themselves or another student a two dollar gift, but ASB will be covering the cost.”
Signing up for this activity is very simple, students just have to make sure they sign up by May 25th to request their wish.
“We sent a form over school loop to all the seniors and it has a form to rsvp to the senior spaghetti night and request your wish,” Dewhurst said. “If you are interested in doing a talent at the show email Mr.Riccitelli or go to his classroom and let him know so that he can make sure it is appropriate.”
Seniors should take advantage of this event since it is special to this years class and can hopefully be the start of a tradition that Carlsbad high continues.
“For the past four years the only senior activities we have done is the senior sunrise and the senior sunset,” Dewhurst said. “We wanted to gift the seniors with something before they leave. Even though it is simple and small it is something that will make a seniors day. If you do not want to grant yourself a wish, you can grant someone else one. It is something we have never done before so why not.”
With a small amount of senior activities to take part in, seniors should take advantage in this event of class bonding.
“I think it is one of our last events together, with this year coming to a close we want to strengthen our senior relationships,” Dewhurst said. “It is the final hoorah before graduation so it will be fun for all of us to be together one last time.”