Olivia Easterbrook
The Museum of Tolerance may not be visited by sophomores this year. This is due to loss of funding.
For the past 6 years, Carlsbad High School 10th grade students had the privilege to visit the Museum of Tolerance with their history classes. This year, due to lack of funding, the educational school trip has been cancelled for all high schools, including Carlsbad High School.
“The Museum of Tolerance offered a grant for Carlsbad High School sophomores to visit their museum,” Assistant Principal Mrs. Redfeild said. “They are no longer offering this scholarship.”
The trip left an imprint on the students while they participated in an interactive presentation and walked through the exhibits.
“I thought the Museum of Tolerance was very inspiring. It was an educating experience because we were able to put ourselves in the position of the Jewish children,” junior Lili Auten said. “I thought that it was very sad to think about the prejudices in that time period.”
The Museum of Tolerance’s goal is to create a society where people can live with each other peacefully without prejudices. The museum teaches students about the holocaust and urges their visitors to learn from the past and prevent discriminations for the future.
“I think if the school won’t support the trip to the holocaust museum, as time goes on, students will learn about the Holocaust in school, but won’t be moved at the same level as they are when visiting the museum,” Auten said.
Although the Museum of Tolerance no longer offers a grant for the tenth grade students, the staff still wants to send students to experience this influential school trip.
“We are now looking down other avenues to find ways to send our students to the museum,” Redfield said. “The museum was such a great opportunity for our tenth graders, so we are trying our best to send them this spring.”