Sophia Molinar
Pacific Marine Credit Union hosted this year's Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Members could participate in either the five mile run or 5k along the beach in Oceanside.
This Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, the Pacific Marine Credit Union hosted the annual Oceanside Turkey Trot. Participants had the opportunity to begin the holiday with a coastal run to balance out the feasting. The Turkey Trot offered multiple running choices to help you ‘move your feet before you eat’ on Thanksgiving Day.
The Turkey Trot provided both a five-mile race and a 5k (3.1 miles) race. Many festive runners came down to participate in this annual race, including our own Carlsbad High student runners. The race track is all along the beach in sunny Oceanside.
“I started running this race two years ago as a freshmen and really enjoyed it and can see myself running it next year too,” junior Winter Schweibold said.
Many people dressed up as turkeys, pilgrims and more to showcase their spirit and to attempt to win the costume contest.
“You get to see a lot of people dressed up in funny costumes while you’re running this race, like turkey hats,” junior Kate Carter said. “It makes the race even more enjoyable, seeing so many people having so much holiday spirit.”
Every runner gets a medal of completion, and last year, sophomore Kate Carter placed 3rd among her age group.
“I’ve done the 5k and the five mile, and last year, I placed third in the women’s open forms age group in the five mile race, and it was really exciting because I just came to run for fun and got third place,” Carter said. “It was a really cool experience.”
For many families, it is a tradition to come out to the Turkey Trot and run together.
“I ran with my mom and we were listening to music,” junior Ally Pateros said. “So we were jamming out the whole time and it’s a tradition for me and my family to always do the Turkey Trot. We always have a fun time together.”
The winners of the 2014 Turkey Trot were Okwaro Raura, who won the men’s five mile, Lily Sullivan, who won the women’s five mile. In the 5k, Tom Kloos won for the men and Terra Sarnacki won for the women.
All those interested in getting more information can visit Oceanside Turkey Trot.