Seannie Bryan
Adam Faringhy poses with his fresh paint after school.
On Tuesday, Feb. 12, a surprisingly high number of student drivers returning to their cars parked on Gayle and Basswood street were startled to find rude statements and vulgar drawings painted on their windshields and windows of cars.
“I went to my car at lunch and found the drawing on my car,” junior Adam Faringhy said.
Fahringhy’s Suburban was one of the targeted cars as descriptive and personal criticism paired with a general combination of cute animals and crude scribbling were painted on his windows.
And while the attacks were crass humor, no harm seemed to be intended as the marker used was washable, easily removed with a spray of Windex and water.
“It wasn’t a malicious attack,” Faringhy said. “It was just someone messing around.”
Other students affected took the same lighthearted attitude toward the prank.
“I think it was funny,” junior Bridget McGowan said. “It was just a joke”
But still, a half-baked joke often has unplanned consequence
“If a father would have seen [something vulgar] on his daughter’s windshield, it wouldn’t be so funny anymore,” Dr. Steitz said.
Perhaps the most peculiar part of the story lies in its magnitude and generality. Out of the near twenty cars parked along the street, not a single car on Basswood Avenue or Gayle were spared from the distasteful artwork, an odd twist considering such a prank is typically personal.
As far as a perpetrator is concerned, though some might have suspicions, confession or punishment are (so far) off the table. Put simply, no perpetrator is confirmed.
Though the prank did not damage property, the large numbers of affected cars makes it a notable offense for administration.