On Feb. 25, Carlsbad High School will be hosting Morp. Previously, the only dances Lancers could participate in were Homecoming and Prom- Prom exclusive to juniors and seniors. With the addition of Morp, every grade will have the chance to participate in another school dance.
“The dance is really to make our school dance reputation better, because attendance is bad,” ASB member Haley Hendricks said. “We also want to give the underclassmen another chance for some fun after Homecoming.
Morp is a combination of unconventional and traditional school dances.
Instead of the typical guys ask girls standard, Morp will be Sadie-Hawkins style, which means the girls ask the guys to go. However, like all dances, Morp will hold it’s own special theme. This year, the theme is Candy Land. Students can expect decorations such as Candy Land pieces, gumdrops, balloons, and special lights.
“The first sneak peak of the dance will be at lunch on Feb. 15,” Hendricks said. “All day, ASB will dress up in different outfits appropriate for the dance. You can wear bright colors or even dress up like a candy piece yourself.”
Students should wear school appropriate, casual attire to the dance and expect lots of fun, candy and lights.
“This dance is different because ASB isn’t setting most of it up—we have a new DJ that will bring tons of his own lights, so it’s going to be pretty cool,” Hendricks said.
ASB is encouraging many people to attend because the purpose of the dance is to go out and have fun with other fellow Lancers.
“People should go because its something to do, and lonely people from Valentines Day won’t be lonely anymore when having fun surrounded by their friends,” Hendricks said. “Besides, what else is there to do in February?”
Morp will only be held if ASB sells at least 400 tickets—without ticket sales, the dance will be cancelled. Lancers should attend to have fun, party with friends, and participate in a newly created school tradition