Natalie Sumitra continues with her second year of Acapella Club


Courtesy of Acapella Club on Youtube

The Acapella Club performs their Daft Punk Medley at the choir show.

Natasha Clarke, Reporter

     This year, junior Natalie Sumitra is continuing a second year with Acapella Club. As the presidents, her and co-president junior Kaylyne Pham have been dedicated to bringing new ideas and aspects to the club since sophomore year. 

     Because of their past experiences in choir prior to the start of Acapella Club, both presidents are always finding new ways to better the club. The two are hoping to continue their constant love for music through the club even after high school.

     “Initially when me and Kaylyne created this club we were intending for it to keep going hopefully even after we graduate,” Sumitra said. “The members of the club are all very committed and talented individuals and it is just so fulfilling working with other passionate people, and now this year we have a whole new group of people and we learn so much from interacting and creating music together.”

     Their frequent performances and rehearsals during the club make the experience all the more exciting for its members. Through their meetings held every Tuesday in the choir room, Sumitra, Pham and the members of the club frequently practice to perform on the stage very frequently.

The members of the club are all very committed and talented individuals and it is just so fulfilling working with other passionate people…

— Natalie Sumitra

    “When performances come up we practice more outside of school,” Pham said. “But the main things that we perform for are choir shows because it’s the most accessible to us and it’s the most convenient for us. A lot of our members are choir people so it’s easy for everyone because they’re at the show already, but we want to start branching out to do more performances.”

     In the past, Acapella Club has had numerous opportunities to perform their sets on stage since last year, and their constant involvement in singing and music have always been a leading factor in the creation of the club. Because of this, the presidents and members have been given many more opportunities to perform and show off their talents.

     “We went to a fundraiser for Alzheimer’s and we sang and performed for them,” Sumitra said. “My mom works with elderly people so this year we were hoping to work with them. We also work with Music for Charity and they tell us if they have any performances or gigs for us.”

     This year, Sumitra has been finding new and exciting ways to make the club just as fun as last year, if not more. Because singing and music have always played such an important role in her life, Sumitra has and will always continue to have an ongoing commitment to the club.

     “This year we were hoping to do more of those gigs and work with Music for Charity again, do some volunteer work with the elderly and do more performances in general,” Pham said. “In the past few performances we’ve been using arrangements that are already made by other groups, so now we want to start arranging more of our own music by taking the actual songs and making them our own.”