The newest indie couple on the block, Best Coast’s Bethany Cosentino and Wavves’ Nathan Williams, teamed up this winter and started off their tour together at SOMA Jan. 21. MTV even noticed the couple’s bands share a similar surfer indie rock feel and SPIN and MTV named the tour “Summer Is Forever.”
Before the two headlining bands took the stage, No Joy played a grunge set. Unfortunately, the band from Montreal had low energy which is often expected for an opener. Their monotonous set list was to blame for their lack of connection with the audience.
Leader singer and guitarist Bethany Cosentino has a sunny personality to match the laid back, sun-soaked feel associated with Best Coast. She proved to be even more charming as she introduced “Boyfriend” as a song that everyone in the crowd would know. Even flubbing the beginning of the song made the leader singer and guitarist more lovable as she laughed at her own glitch.
“Apparently I don’t know this song though!” Costentino said. Her loving fans rewarded her performance with a stuffed Garfield cat due to her love of cats.
Best Coast finished with new EP favorites such as “Something in the Way,” “Sun Was High (So Was I)” and a twist on the album’s ending track “Each and Every Day.” Overall, the audience left more in love with Best Coast than before.
Wavves took the stage next and injected a surge of energy into the punky venue as the crowd immediately started jamming to the first song “Nervous Breakdown.” Certainly, lead singer and guitarist Williams shared this enthusiasm considering that he was playing in his hometown and his father was there.
At the end of sixteen songs, multiple young crowd surfers surfed their way up to the stage and proceeded to sing back up for “So Bored” and “Post Acid.” True to his laid back personality, Williams complied and allowed as many youngsters as the stage could fit. A sort of abandonment present in Wavve’s style reverberated through the crowd that evening.
Both the bands and the lead singers prove to be fitting couples; their styles and personalities just mesh. Best Coast’s carefree feel matched with Wavves energy buzzed performance complimented each other perfectly. And for a couple hours in January, it felt like summer again.