
Photo Courtesy to Saba Mashayekhi

Mani Mendez, Staff Writer

Project FEED, a new club here at CHS, is asking students to donate their AP review books to any AP teachers. The drive ends on Friday, May 20, but the club will still accept books after the deadline. The books they collect will be given to students who can not afford AP review books or AP teachers.

“A friend suggested the idea of donating old or used AP books since AP testing is over,” junior and vice president Courtney Drisko said. “We can give those books to people who can’t afford them. This is a great opportunity if you don’t have younger siblings and don’t want to throw them away, you can help another student by donating books.   

Project FEED meets every even Friday to brainstorm future ideas. They have been helping their community through drives.

“We come together and come up with new ideas,” Drisko said. “In the past we’ve had different drives such as collecting books, old shoes, and canned food.”

Members of the club will be coming into classrooms and dropping off a brown box to collect AP review books. The first place class gets a donut party, second place gets cookies and third place gets Hershey’s Kisses.